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A new year begins today, and the sun is shining. It is a time for fresh calendars on the wall and if, like me, you keep a diary, the smooth crisp page in the new book awaits the first thoughts of 2023. Last year I made the only resolution I think I have ever kept, which was to write numbers more carefully and clearly to avoid confusion later. I have yet to think of one to match it for simplicity and usefulness for this year!

I am currently working on a collection of William Morris themed cards for Kelmscott Manor gift shop (Morris’s one time Oxfordshire home) which re-opens in April and have just completed a commission to celebrate a new baby’s birth. I hope to soon begin designing some single bee embroideries for cards whilst imagining those summer days when they are buzzing about everywhere in our cottage garden here.

It is not an easy time for many of us; amidst the many viruses and anxieties we face it can be difficult some days to feel happy. The special times we share with our friends and families and the loving wishes we send each other with cards and gifts always brings a smile and feeling of connection, sometimes great comfort and joy. I am always happiest when sewing and hope that my work continues to bring a little happiness to others too.

The St Martin’s Summer eventually left us, as we all knew it would one day, and now it feels very much colder. Here on the Lincolnshire east coast marshes the mist lingers all day long, shrouding everything in ‘foggy foggy dew’ to quote from the old folk song of that title by Marty Robbins. If I listen carefully, sometimes in the stillness I can hear the cries of the seals who are gathered in great number on the nearby beaches, giving birth to their little white fluffy pups. But in the chilly gloom there are now many lights appearing, twinkling amongst the trees, and around front doors in the lane, bringing some Christmas cheer to things.

The church opposite our cottage has seen more than 800 Christmases and will once again be welcoming villagers in for carol singing and comfort in difficult times.

Recently I have been designing and sewing a couple of framed Birth Samplers which I love to do, stitching in the little one’s names and birth day date. I regularly add new work to my shop here; look out for items flagged with a little green ’sale’ sign in the top left-hand corner which means they are reduced in price.

I took this photograph from the garden, looking across the fields on Christmas morning a few years ago.

I remember in my school days learning a poem by Thomas Hood about November, which was rather gloomy, ending with the words: ‘No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, no fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds! – November!’ I think he must have been having a bad day because for me there are many lovely things about November; vivid sunsets, starry nights (at a time when one is awake to see them!) homemade soups, calls of Tawny owls and always the busy bird table to watch outside the kitchen window. In the countryside hedgerows are full of berries and everywhere colourful Autumn leaves still cling on to many trees.

When worries seem to haunt my thoughts it is often the rhythm of the changing seasons that brings a sense of continuity as uncertainties creep in. A change of month always brings something new as well as the return of familiar but half-forgotten things; this month may see the return of scarves, boots, mashed potato, stews, thick jumpers and hot water bottles!

And then there’s Christmas! I have just added quite a few sale packs of Christmas cards from my old stock which I hope might be helpful. After Christmas, as a gardener, I think of Spring and start to buy my seeds knowing those sunny warm days with blossom and daffodils will be coming round again before very long.

(Photo taken last November at RHS Harlow Carr)

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