The cycle of the seasons brings many changes to our feelings and how we live our lives, especially for those of us whose homes are in rural places away from the built environment. As the seasons turn, the colours of the garden here and the wider countryside slowly change. An annual cycle of dun browns and greys, then the vibrant greens of early spring, followed by brilliantly lit rainbows of the summer borders, before descending to monotones once more, after the final burst of Autumnal golds and reds of leaves, hips and berries. A couple of weeks ago I took this photo of the Lesser Reedmace Bulrushes around the pond, spotlighted in late afternoon rays of sunshine, striking in their brilliance.
I am very aware of how these colours evolve throughout the year; the changing palette seen through my windows suggesting new colour combinations. For instance I love the dark brown twigs against blue winter skies. Blues and browns in all their shades are interesting, having been seen together in nature ever since eyes evolved to see them.